What is Mobile Marketing? Definition and uses

Smartphones are a part of our lives more than ever, so mobile marketing offers new opportunities for your business. In this article, you'll learn what Mobile Marketing is, how to use it, through which channels, and how it can help you meet your customers' needs.

Mobile Marketing definition and uses

Mobile marketing: definition

Mobile Marketing is a set of practices that enables organizations and individuals to communicate and engage with their audience or one another in an interactive and relevant manner through any mobile device or network.


Over the past decade or so, mobile marketing has gone from being a fairly broad advertising term to referring to a rather specific type of marketing. 


As with other forms of online marketing, mobile marketing in its various guises has evolved rapidly in a relatively short space of time, fueled by consumers with a hunger for anything that can help them streamline their congested, hyper-connected lives. 



So what can mobile marketing be used for?


The answer to that question could take up an entire book.

Because mobile is essentially a new, exciting and convenient way for people to access online information and services, elements of your mobile marketing can be employed to achieve many of the same business goals as any other form of digital marketing. You can use mobile to:


·       Build awareness of your brand, product or service;


·       Foster and nurture conversations with your online community;


·       Gather valuable insight into consumer behaviour;


·       Take iterative customer engagement to the next level;


·       Harness the wisdom of the crowd;


·       Drive lead generation and new business;


·       Establish loyalty programmes, competitions and rewards;


·       Build a deeper and more personal brand experience;


·       Target your market more effectively based on demographics, geography and behaviour;


·       Retain more customers and reduce ‘churn’;


·       Listen and learn;


·       The list could go on and on, but you get the idea.


With massive uptake of internet-connected mobile devices accelerating all the time, marketers need to start taking mobile seriously as a fundamental component (if not the principal component) of their digital marketing strategy.


The potential of mobile is profound and the impact of mobile marketing is only going to grow.



In addition,

The mobile strategy allows companies to be closer to consumers and thus stimulates the act of purchase. It is also established through relational marketing actions. Because of this, applications vary slightly depending on each company's goals. This may include:


·       Sending information by SMS;

·       The development of notoriety;

·       Optimization of the customer relationship;

·       The incentive to purchase;

·       The development of proximity with the consumer.


For other examples

Mobile landing page integrated into the SMS

With an opening rate of 98%, SMS is the best performing channel. It is therefore not surprising that it is the preferred channel for brands.


Enrich your SMS with a mobile landing page to promote new items, your private sales or your sales. You can share surveys online to get customer satisfaction insights or send an event invite with a QR code.




WhatsApp is currently the most used communication channel in the world. Answer all your customers' questions and provide the desired support service. By adding WhatsApp as a communication channel, you will take your customer service to the next level. From conversation to conversion.


Does a customer request a specific product? Offer him the possibility to buy the product directly in the chat. With our payment links and integrated payment solutions, your customers can make purchases without leaving the conversation.



Apple Messages for Business

Create a direct connection with iOS device users with Apple Messages for Business. Customers can contact your brand whenever it's convenient for them through their preferred messaging channel. In addition, it is possible to make a purchase within this channel with Apple Pay. Improve customer service and make shopping easier.



Voice Marketing

Voice campaigns are a powerful tool to convey a message to your customers. Send pre-recorded voice messages to personalize your marketing campaigns.


QR code

QR codes can be easily scanned with a phone's camera. After scanning the code, the customer will be taken to a landing page where they can get more information.



What are the 6 mobile marketing tools?

If, in its beginnings, m-marketing was based on SMS campaigns, it has evolved with the development of responsive design websites, mobile versions and mobile applications. It thus offers marketing professionals different possibilities to get closer to consumers.


1. Advertising on responsive websites

Mobile allows advertisers to offer retargeting or display advertising. However, advertising formats must be adapted to the mobile format. Google AdWords, among others, is an ideal ad preview tool for testing the shape of an ad on mobile.


2. Advertising on mobile applications

With the expansion of mobile applications, marketing actions now take the form of advertisements that are displayed while using the application.


3. Mobile app push notifications

Voluntarily activated or validated by the user, push notifications allow applications to send messages. It can concern a reduction or an invitation to know a new collection.


4. Point of sale location features

Mobile marketing offers the possibility of using the store locator or the location of physical points of sale. This lever is used to encourage consumers to come directly to the point of sale.


5. Geolocation in a mobile situation

With the development of mobile technologies, it is now possible to send messages using geolocation if the person is near the store.


6. Gamification

Gamification allows companies to add playful elements to a universe that is generally not a game. It thus engages the audience by encouraging player engagement.


What are the advantages of mobile marketing?

M-marketing has many advantages with the possibilities it offers.


Ease of implementation

Mobile marketing campaigns are easy to use. All you need is a database of phone numbers.


Personalized marketing actions

The mobile allows companies to enter the privacy of consumers.


The development of a brand image

It becomes easier to stand out from competitors by offering innovative campaigns.

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